Tuition and Fees

Business Office

The University and the Board of Trustees reserve the right to revise general or specific fees to reflect economic conditions. The following schedule of tuition and fees is effective for the 2025-2026 academic year. A full estimated cost of attendance can be found on the Financial Aid website.

Undergraduate Fees
 2025-2026 2024-2025
Application to the University $50 $50
New student enrollment deposit commuter (non-refundable) $300 $300
New student enrollment deposit and housing deposit resident (non-refundable) $700 $700
New Seahawk Orientation program fee $325 $300
Tuition per semester (12 or more credits, not to exceed 17 credits). Additional credits billed at 1/15th of full-time tuition per semester. $25,650 $24,650
Family (sibling) discount* $1,283 $1,233
Medical laboratory sciences program** $25,650 $24,650
Student activities fee per semester (students enrolled for 6 or more credits) $250 $200
Technology fee per semester (students enrolled for 6 or more credits) $215 $200
Tuition per credit, traditional undergraduate (students enrolled for less than 12 credits) $1,710 $1,643
Registration fee (students enrolled for fewer than 12 credits per semester) $80 $75
Late registration fee, full-time students (for failure to complete registration during scheduled registration period) $100 $100
Late registration fee, part-time students (for failure to complete registration by the part-time registration deadline) $50 $50
Transcript fee (per copy) - electronic, pick up or mailed $10 $10
Transcript fee (per copy) - express domestic shipping $40 $40
Transcript fee (per copy) - express international shipping $50 $50
Graduation fee (includes cap and gown) $450 $400
Audit fee per credit $300 $250
Late payment fee (full-time students - see specific deadlines published in the current schedule of classes) $400 $400

Lab/course fees: Fees applicable to specific courses and labs are detailed in the "course offerings" section of the current schedule of classes.

*See family discount under the payment options for further details

**Two credits at the summer graduate rate

Graduate Tuition and Fees
2025-2026 2024-2025
Tuition per credit, master's degree program $760 $730
Tuition per credit, MFA program $760 $960
Tuition per year, fifth-year graduate program $22,673 $21,778
Tuition per credit, Ph.D. in behavior analysis program $1,125 $1,080
Tuition per credit, Ph.D. in humanities program $1,125 $1,080
Tuition per credit, Ph.D. in international relations program $1,125 $1,080
Registration fee $80 $75
Comprehensive exam fee, Ph.D. in humanities and international relations programs $300 $250
Tevera software, clinical counseling $215 $215
One-time fee for M.S. in behavior analysis program $500 $500
One-time fee for Ph.D. in behavior analysis program $700 $700
Room and board, MFA program (shared) $1,580 $1,580
Room and board, MFA program (private) $1,892 $1,892
MFA, meal only (commuter) $600 $600
Late registration fee (two weeks prior to start of class) $50 $50
Audit fee per credit $300 $250
Transcript fee (per copy) - electronic, pick up or mailed $10 $10
Transcript fee (per copy) - express domestic shipping $40 $40
Transcript fee (per copy) - express international shipping $50 $50
Graduation fee $350 $300
Student refund insurance TBD $40
Late payment fee $400 $400

Per-credit courses: These courses will be charged the tuition rate associated with the degree program the student is actively pursuing.

Lab/course fees: Fees applicable to specific courses and labs are detailed in the "course offerings" section of the current schedule of classes.

Learn more about tuition refund insurance.

RN-BSN Tuition and Fees
2025-2026 2024-2025
Tuition per credit, nursing partner $300 $300
Tuition per credit, nursing non-partner $364 $364
Tuition per credit, general education and electives $354 $354
MSN to FNP Tuition and Fees
2025-2026 2024-2025
Tuition per credit, nursing partner $801 $801
Tuition per credit, nursing non-partner $848 $848
MSN nursing program fees One-time fee $1,000/$500 for current students One-time fee $1,000/$500 for current students
DNP Tuition and Fees
2025-2026 2024-2025
Tuition per credit, nursing partner $772 $772
Tuition per credit, nursing non-partner $848 $848
Summer Sessions
2025-2026 2024-2025
Tuition per credit, undergraduate and graduate programs $760 $730
Tuition per credit, Ph.D. programs $1,125 $1,080
Registration fee $80 $75
Lab fees, as indicated in certain course descriptions Vary Vary
Late registration fee $25 $25
Audit fee per credit $300 $250
Housing and Food/Meal Plans
Room Options - 2025-2026 Fall Spring Total
Residence halls - traditional $5,660 $5,660 $11,320*
Residence halls - historic homes $6,015 $6,015 $12,030**
Apartments $7,640 $7,640 $15,280***
Houses $7,835 $7,835 $15,670***
Food/Meal Options
Unlimited meal plan (required for first-year students) $4,090 $4,090 $8,180*
14-meal plan (minimum plan for sophomores) $3,510 $3,510 $7,020**
11-meal plan $2,480 $2,480 $4,960
7-meal plan $1,825 $1,825 $3,650****
5-meal plan (off-campus students only) $1,260 $1,260 $2,520

Note: Single room charges are $1,200 per semester or $2,400 per year in addition to the above.

* Required for all first-year students living in a residence hall

** Primarily sophomore housing and minimum meal plan required

*** Primarily junior and senior housing

**** Minimum meal plan required for all students living in apartments and houses

All requests to changes on your designated meal plan must be made to the Office of Residence Life. Requests must be submitted prior to the start of classes.

Special Undergraduate Fees
2025-2026 2024-2025
Art studio fee (per course) $125 $125
Business studies course fees $25 to $75 $25 to $75
Education practicum fee (per course) $75 $75
Education student teaching fee (per course) $550 $550
Music lesson fee (per course) $750 $750
Nursing program fees (first-year per semester) $700 $600
Nursing program fees (sophomores per semester) $850 $750
Nursing program fees (juniors per semester) $1,750 $1,350
Nursing program fees (seniors per semester) $2,000 $1,600
Physical education courses $40 to $100 $40 to $100
Religious studies fee (applies to one course only) $50 $50
Science lab fees (per course) $100 to $175 $100 to $175
Study abroad - semester/year $750 $700
Study abroad - short term $100 $75
Theater fee (applies to one course only) $30 $30
Student health insurance fee* TBD $1,995
Student refund insurance - tuition, room and board TBD $175
Student refund insurance - tuition only TBD $131